WVU Garrett Regional Medical Center

Employee Market

Delivery will be on Wednesday evenings before 6 PM. Pick up your order in the hospital cafeteria.

To order, go to the “All Products” tab at the top and place your order on this website. You can pay with debit or credit card. When the order goes through, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you did not get this email, it likely did not go through. Text 240-321-2486 for us to check. (Text, rather than calling.)

Orders must be placed by Saturday at 7 PM for the following Wednesday’s delivery. Any orders placed after that will be processed for the following week. 

MeMe's Mini Market at Garrett Regional Medical Center
Making it More Convenient for Everyone

You may remember my market from a couple years ago when I sat up outside the cafeteria. What I found is that often workers could not leave their work area when my stand was open, so they couldn’t take advantage of the fresh local produce from my stand. So, I decided to make it more convenient for all the hospital’s workers. This year, you can order in advance online, and I will deliver your order on Wednesday evening to the pick-up location arranged by Amanda Shreve in the hospital cafeteria. You can, then, pick it up when it is convenient for you.

It's Local and High Quality

All of my produce is local. It comes from a variety of farms in the area, including a few things I grow myself. I only work with farms that currently are approved to sell to restaurants and grocery stores because they have strict sanitization regulations that they have to follow.

Also, I pride myself on only offering top quality produce. If I wouldn’t eat it myself, I won’t sell it to you.

As you will notice, I also offer some value-added products. These also are made with ingredients from local farms.

If you have any questions, email me at harvestberryfarms@outlook.com or text 240-321-2486.

Why Buy from My Market?


  • Being able to buy from my market and pick up on your way home from work is super-convenient. And it may encourage you and your family to eat more vegetables.
  • The produce is all from Garrett County, except for early tomatoes and some fruit which comes from WV.
  • My produce is all picked a very short time from delivery, so the vitamin content is likely much higher than produce that has been shipped in from other places.
  • It is raised on a number of local farms in the area, so purchasing it means it helps local agriculture and our local farm families.
  • Buying local produce helps our economy. When you buy from chain markets, much of the money goes elsewhere.
  • For a supermarket to state a produce item is local, it only has to be obtained within a 400-mile radius. That is far enough to come from New York! It should be noted, though, that the Oakland Shop-n-Save does offer some produce from Garrett County.
  • In order for me to offer this service, I need to have enough sales to stay in business. So, I am hopeful that you will support my stand. I am opting to keep my prices as low as possible, so that means I have to have enough volume of sales. I’m a teen saving for college, so your support is so much appreciated!
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